Frequently asked questions

How can i see the prices of your products?

First you have to register on our website. After that we will check our application and once it's approved you will recieve an email. From then on you can log in and see the prizes of our products.

Is shipment costs included in your prices?

No, the prices that you see are without shipment. The shipment cost is depending on your location. You can find a list of shipping costs on our website. If your country isn't listed, feel free to contact us so we can send you estimated shipping costs.

Minimum order quantity

For orders from the Netherlands and Belgium there is no minimum order quantity. For other countries the minimum order quantity is based on the area. You can find a whole list on our website. Isn't your country listed, feel free to contact us.

Are the listed prices with VAT included?

No, the prices you see on our website are without VAT.